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May 2024
Dear current and upcoming students, parents and other stakeholders
  • IB Life: First IB students 2024 & Gala
  • News from IB & Pre-IB Coordinators
  • IB Life: Ugly Day, CAS poster day, Visual Arts Exhibition, IB1
  • Get to know your teachers: Danny Treacher
  • Subject Spotlight: Global Politics
News from the IB Coordinator
The last days with IB2 - here from the last Danish B lesson with Rikke - and a visit from the American ambassador.
It is springtime, and this time around, we are sending out a brief newsletter where you can catch glimpses of life at the school and get an overview of what is coming up in the near future.
The IB2 students have completed their last day of regular classes, and just as the weather has warmed up, they have dived into their exams. We have already celebrated our first graduates on May 9th, and the last ones will finish by May 16th. Families are warmly invited to the graduation ceremony, which we will be holding on May 22nd at 2:00 PM.
Our gala evening with the IB2 students was truly delightful – they even shared baby pictures with us. They were all so adorable and cute!
IB1 has started dipping their toes into their Individual Assessments (IAs) and Extended Essays (EEs). Some students are actively involved in our Green House project, where they've started gathering soil and sprouting seeds, which will later be planted in our plant boxes and new mini-greenhouses. Remember that Pre-IB and IB1 have their last day of school on June 28, so only after that can they go on summer vacation.
For a period, we have merged all the homerooms and focused on well-being and learning. Undertaking an IB education is quite a task, so it is important that we also emphasize how to take care of ourselves and each other.
Remember that you can follow Aarhus Gymnasium, Tilst on Instagram and Facebook.
Last week, we celebrated Earth Week. We kicked off the week by introducing its themes to the students at an assembly. Also, on Monday, April 22nd, we observed Earth Day. You can read more about it here: Earth Day Website. Pre-IB students, Global Politics students, and 3g social science students participated in a presentation on the global food crisis organized by Think Tank Frej and Nestle.
Throughout the week, there was a focus on several areas: The canteen highlighted climate-friendly food options. The Climate Committee put up posters around the school to raise awareness about the climate week, particularly focusing on recycling and green transportation. We hosted a clothing swap where students could bring in clothes they no longer needed and exchange them for "new" ones. In classes, there was a special emphasis on climate and/or environmental topics, and there was also a suggestion to turn off the lights for an hour during class time. This idea was inspired by "Join the Biggest Hour for Earth | Earth Hour.
Alll the best,
Malene Sørensen
IB Coordinator Aarhus Gymnasium, Tilst
Your way into the
wider world

News from the Pre-IB Coordinator
The spring months mark the final stretch of the pre-IB year, where the students begin to truly understand what awaits them next year in the IB. This realisation was initiated by the Term 2 grades which are used to determine a student’s readiness for the IB programme. Many students are ready and will move on without any difficulties, while some need to spend the last weeks of the pre-IB programme focusing on their studies and improving their work ethic. Following the release of the Term 2 grades, we were forced to part ways with some of the pre-IB students. It is always hard when students have to say goodbye to their classmates, but many teachers have reported that there has been an increased focus these past few weeks. Keep up the good work! You’re approaching the home stretch…
…but not quite there yet. The students finish their regular classes at the end of May, after which there is still a History Research Project to defend orally, 3 end-of-year tests to sit under exam conditions, and a final round of pre-CAS. They will be kept busy until the end.
So, dear parents, remember to support them in their final pre-IB months so that we together can ensure they are well-rested and well-prepared for the IB. 
Best wishes,
Maria Friis Lindinger
Pre-IB Coordinator

IB at AGT appetizer

If you know of any young people getting ready to choose a youth education, or of families relocating to Aarhus, please do share our video. You can also find our new IB brochure a little further up in the newsletter. 

IB Life


Get to Know your Teachers - Danny Treacher

How did you come to teach at AGT? 
It was pretty random to be honest. I sent off around 30 applications to gymnasiums within commuting distance of where I was living at the time and hoped for the best. I was called into 4 interviews and received “2 and half” job offers. Fortunately, one was from AGT and I agreed to join the school. 
What strikes you as being interesting about AGT? 
After joining the school, I got to experience the full ‘AGT’ experience. It is a cliché but the different educations on offer, lead to many different types of students with varying backgrounds and experiences attending the school. This creates an interesting, unique and dynamic atmosphere, in my point of view. 
What about your subject(s) excites you?  
In Global Politics and Samfundsfag the obvious excitement comes from the ever-changing political dilemmas, issues and conflicts. It can be challenging to keep up but as a teacher; it keeps you on your toes. My passion for the subject of English came quite late. As a result, I still feel that I am continually discovering new works and topics. Even texts that I have taught before receive new life as different classes/year groups often have new and different ways of interpreting the texts. That is always exciting and inspirational.
Which of the learner profile attributes is your favorite and which could you yourself improve on? 
PRINCIPLED is my favourite. Mmmmm, probably BALANCED.
What culinary dish says something about you?  
Spaghetti Bolognaise with Heston Blumenthal’s 8 hour ragu. The ragu requires patience, research, the perfect ingredients, hard work, time and planning for the perfect result. Sums me up perfectly plus it is an amazing dish!

Subject Spotlight

What is cool about your subject? Global Politics is constantly changing. In flux. What can be cooler than that?
What do your students think that your subject is/is about vs. what it really is/is about? Students maybe think that it is about politics with a capital P…..yaaaaawwwnn. It is about so much more. People, critical thinking, seeing the world through different lenses and challenging one’s own viewpoints in order to grow and develop as a person.   
What knowledge/skills will your students obtain? An ability to put yourself in others’ shoes and understand them more comprehensibly. A realisation that the world is more complicated than one thinks and what seems like an easy problem to solve on the surface, has many aspects and angles that can be unforeseen. The obvious skill would be an improvement in the ability to debate and argue a point adeptly, whilst still being able to respect others’ opinions.
In what ways can they use your subject later on in life? The subject will help you to have a better understanding of different ways of perceiving the world, which can only improve you as a person, in my opinion. It will also make you more open to new and exciting experiences and to have a better understanding of others. Plus politics is everywhere, even when you buy a certain litre of milk at the supermarket; it is a political choice.
Student quotes?
“I have collected all your best quotes Treacher, after two years of teaching. You will receive the booklet after graduation”

Find us here...

Kind regards,

Malene Sørensen
IB Coordinator       
+45 6198 7388
Maria Friis Lindinger
PRE-IB Coordinator / Head of IB Admissions
+45 2072 8484
AARHUS GYMNASIUM     |     Kileparken 25     |     DK-8381 Tilst     |     +45 89 37 35 33     |